Tuesday, 24 January 2012

top shop make-up review

I was a bad girl righe before my self-imposed spending cut off of 2012. I popped into the Bay and picked up a selection of Topshop make-up. I believe they have just started to stock these products. There was a pretty full range of products, I just stuck with basics to see how I like the line before I invested any further. I actually wanted to pick up some cream blushers since I have heard so much about them on other blogs, but I they only had two unflattering colors.
 Instead, I picked up a bronzer, white kohl liner, lip stick pencil, and lip glaze.
 The bronzer is a bit dark for me right now, but the consistency is perfect it will be light enough for summer but still have an affect. The kohl liner I bought for my waterline when I'm having sleepy morning eyes (every morning) and it works wonders. It doesn't drag on my eyes which is a huge concern for me, it glides on and stays on even in the waterline for almost a full eight hours which is impressive! The lip stick only came in this one color - Coy. It's like a neon coral that pulls a little pink? Definitely need to use my Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub before putting this on - it does not hide any flaws. It might encourage me to stop biting my lips (ha ha ya right) which is a terrible habit. The lip glaze looks boring here, but the color inside is actually a little different it's much peachier and very pretty!
Overall, Topshop makeup did impress me and I'm eager to go back and try some other products especially their eye products.
I also picked up a sweet black bandeau from Topshop for wearing under sheer black shirts (I have way too many and I don't know why) but I don't think that warrants a photo since it's kinda boring!


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