Sunday, 22 January 2012


I just dyed my hair a little lighter, but I swear I'm not just another blonde.
I guess the point of this blog is just to write about my search for what exactly I'm passionate about.
I'm graduating in June and I want to figure out what my passion is by then. I know that's a little backwards - most people know their passion before they get their undergrad degree. Maybe I've always been a little backwards.
I know what I like and what I love - but I'm not sure what I love doing enough to do for the rest of my life. Right now I work in IT full time while I finish my degree in International Relations. There are certain parts of IR that I love, but there are so many other things I love too - traveling, photography, dance, fashion, beauty. I used to love writing too, so many some of that passion will creep back in as a result of this blog.
I don't know exactly what I want out of this, but if you want to follow along while I find out, join me!

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