Thursday, 9 February 2012

Book Review: Just Kids by Patti Smith

What hooked me on this book was the first sentence. I really had no idea what it would be about. I didn't really know that much about Patti Smith, I knew she was an awesome female musician, but I hadn't really heard her music or paid much attention to her. After reading the book I felt more informed about her as a person. I found the writing style very detailed, a full book about just a few years.  The book details her relationship with Robert, and their time together in New York leading up to her music career. Just Kids actually has little narrative on her music career, which was a little disappointing. It gives insight into the grungier side of New York in the 1970s, which was enjoyable, having cameos by the cast of characters that came through New York such as Janis Joplin and Andy Warhol. Overall I found this biography very interesting and would recommend it.

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